mebitek liveset - tacticalsynopsis - catania area 18-07-08
mebitek liveset
- tacticalsynopsis -
catania area 18-07-08
tekno liveset
mebitek liveset
- tacticalsynopsis -
catania area 18-07-08
tekno liveset
- tactical synopsis 03 -
EQUALS video by PNDR music and video production
A record of Mental Hardfloor and Techno tribe.
Cool pumping to core !!!! everybody on the dance floor
Pure Progressive happy tribe.
It's a nice stuff!!!!! kick time baby!!!!!!!!
Overwiew on different style of a Hardtek-tribe.
From the kicker to the tekno.
With 1 orginal tune, the last one. To check.
Bonne tribe bien dancefloor. Respect!
Banging happycore raggatribe style.
Solid and dancefloor.
Limited !