From the acid and dusty factories of the electronic underground, through the devastated and pure immacolated nature of Sardinia, an explosion of anger and melancholy darkness transforms electronics into a cinematic orchestra.
mebitek, the manufactured eXPerience
Claudio Melis was born in Sardinia in 1981. At the end of 2003 he created the musical project mebitek during his studies in Bologna.
The initial sound of mebitek is heavily influenced by the underground electronic scene (Northern Italy, Southern France) and can be traced back to the hard tekno and tribal tekno genres. Since 2005, 8 vinyls have been released for French (Tactical Synopsis) and Italian (Rekhold Records) labels specialized in electronic music.
After a long series of gigs in Italian and French festivals (Marseille, Fos sur Mer, Milan, Turin, Bologna, Venice, Florence, Catania) in 2011 he returned to Sardinia and in 2013, to celebrate 10 years of live activity, he released for the Sardinian label Nootempo the EP “Manufactured Experience”. This release marks a shift in musical style towards more downtempo and cinematic sounds.
In 2013 he founded the “Mustayonis” project together with the Sardinian electronic musician artist Pandro (Alessandro Fais) and collaborated with various island artists (Alberto Masala, Fabiola Ledda, Dr Boost, Quilo Sr Razza, Claudia Aru, Gangalistic, Dr Drer).
As of 2016 various dark ambient productions are released for European and North American labels. Also in 2016, the guerrilla art installation "The Sensegration Box" was created, which was very successful with the public. Starting from this experience, mebitek begins to produce his own music videos and to create short films, in collaboration with the Mogorese artist Jele Raus (Serena Pilloni), which receive a good response reaching the finals in various international festivals (Miami, Chicago, Milan, Toronto).
In 2017 the first CD entitled "Art Has No Diplomacy" was released for the Sardinian label Nootempo.
In 2019 the Dark Ambient EP was released in self-production, completely produced with a modular eurorack system, "A Dark Modular Tale". Also in 2019, the soundtrack of the short film "The Mourning Path" was released for the Belgian label Mangoest Records.
In 2020 he founded the duo "Where Orchids Goes To Die" together with the Mapuche artist Mariana Millapan and in the summer of the same year, in the midst of the pandemic, the debut album of the same name was released on CD, positively reviewed by rock.it.
Also in 2020 he won the Rome Art Week Contest 2020 together with Jele Raus with the new short "A Story Of Silence" which is screened at the Miami New Media Festival and in 13 other countries around the world.
In 2021 “Ostalgie” dark ambient production and video art is released.
In 2022 his latest album "Sraka" is released on CD and on all digital platforms
- 2008: Tactical Synopsis 02 (Gomorrotek)
- 2008: Tactical Synopsis 03 (Equals)
- 2009: Tactical Synopsis 04 (Mad brux'hat)
- 2009: Rekhold Records 01 (Trumas)
- 2010: Tactical Synopsis 05 (Big long nose)
- 2010: Rehkold Records 02 (Until the end - moche version)
- 2011: Rehkold Records 03 (Raining on da dancefloor)
- 2013: Rehkold Records 05 (Stelios Contos)
- 2013: Manufactured Experience (EP, Nootempo) - EP
- 2014: Sardegna Pride 2014 Promo single - Claudia Aru Vergogna/Bregungia (Single, Nootempo)
- 2016: Ca no serbit sa boxi (Single, Atomic Zoo Recordings)
- 2016: An Eternal Wail's Journey EP (EP, Xenomorph Records) - EP
- 2016: The Sensegration Box Art Installation - 12.11.2016 - Mogoro - Sardinia
- 2017: Hell's Disco (4 tracks for LiftMusic UK)
- 2017: The Unconscious (Cinematic Movement) [Single] - video - single
- 2017: Art Has No Diplomacy (CD Album, nootempo) - Album
- 2017: The Unconscious (Cinematic Movement) (GOTHIC MUSIC ORGY VOL.4 - www.darktunes.com)
- 2017: Melancholy feat Cycle of Crone (This is Darkness Vol1 Compilation www.thisisdarkness.com)
- 2017: The End Of Everything (Funeral Movement) [Single] - video - single
- 2017: Lost in Tombs feat Humanfobia - track
- 2018: Romantic Deepness feat Nicola Melis - track
- 2019: Wells Of Souls feat. Matrioshka Brain - track
- 2019: A Dark Modular Tale EP - track - video
- 2019 : ResistrOn Art Installation - 28.09.2019 - Mogoro, Sardinia - link
- 2019 : The Mourning Path - video - single - EP
- 2020: Quarantine Triology - video LINK 1 LINK 2 LINK 3 (IT)
- 2020: Where Orchids Goes To Die Album (CD) (IT/ARG) BANDCAMP
- 2020: A Story of Silcence - short film LINK (IT) - Rome Art Week 2020 Winner
- 2021: Ostalgie - track - video
- 2022: Sraka - (CD Album) - Album