A shortfilm by mebitek cinematics (mebitek & Serena Pilloni)
A bizarre, surreal and grotesque pantomime, in which the Unconscious (based on Jung’s thories) is explored, inside a mind afflicted by a personality disorder.
After the whirl and creation, we finally reached the final chapter: the funeral. Leading us to a Shakespearean reborn, but sentenced to survive in an eternal loop, until the end of time.
"And finally I reached the underworld...
As rain, as teardrops, you're slipping on the window pane and I cannot catch thee. Then, I look at thee through the glass of my imagination: idealised, perfect, mine, in a loop, until the end of time."
previous chapters:
1- The Unconscious (Cinematic Movement) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txkHwRkEqp4
2- MebiStep (Beget Movement) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O48fQBgsv6E
original soundtrack by www.mebitek.com
manufactured with:
- Native Instruments Maschine
- Spitfire Audio Noisemaker
- Spitfire Audio Albion V
- Spitfire Audio Labs Atmos
- Heavyocity Damage
- Spitfire Audio Labs Harmonic Piano
- Heavyocity Scoring Guitars
- Spitfire Audio Albion One
- Cinesamples Tina Guo Acoustic Cello Legato
©2017 mebitek - the manufactured experience. All right reserved.
The copyrights of all mebitek works are administered by the Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society (MCPS).